Will My Credit Affect My Insurance?

I was recently asked this question by one of our Brown & Associates Insurance clients, and thought I would share the answer here for our readers. There are a lot of things that go into homeowners and auto insurance rates, one of them being credit. I’ve heard a lot...

5 Rules Every Landlord Should Live By

I’m pretty confident that if you asked anyone who has ever owned a rental property you would get an overwhelming response that it’s not as lucrative or easy as they thought it would be. In fact, owning a rental property can be a major pain, and end up costing you a...

Help Us Help You

As your life changes, your insurance policies should change with it. When there is a change in your life that needs to be reflected in your insurance policy, give us a call us to discuss it. If you don’t, you could be missing out on discounts and even end up having a...

Umbrella Policy Misconceptions

The average driver will be involved in more than three accidents in their lifetime. In a world where people are more likely to seek legal action, and medical expenses are increasing, you need to make sure that you have the proper coverage at the time of those...